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Calm Air for and with Ukraine

For millions of Ukrainians everything changed on Feb 24, 2022 - since, more than 4 million refugees have crossed borders into neighbouring countries.

At Calm Air, we stand by the people of Ukraine who can fully count on our solidarity. Over the last year, Calm Air has welcomed eight Ukrainian refugees to the Calm Air family:

  • Kyrylo Y.– Pilot Trainee
  • Maryna I.- Tech Records Clerk
  • Valerii K. – Pilot Trainee
  • Alina Y. – Flight Attendant Trainee
  • Maksym H. – Pilot Trainee
  • Vitalii S. – Pilot Trainee
  • Bohdan M. – Flight Operations Coordinator Trainee
  • Daria I. - Marketing Design Specialist

Below, we take a closer look at the radical changes that impacted the lives of Kyrylo, Maryna, Valerii and Alina. Through this interview, we learn about their journey and experiences:

Kyrylo, a pilot at Calm Air recently fled his town of Odesa after the war broke out. 

“I started my studying in Kirovohrad Flight Academy and obtained a master’s degree in “Aviation Transport”. As well I did my CPL license here in Canada in BC from 2016 till 2018. For me it was nice to live in Ukraine, but I always wanted to return to Canada. I was a FO on a B737, so my plan was to become a Captain, gain some experience and to move to Canada as a candidate suitable for any opened pilot vacancy. But after 24 Feb all the plans were ruined, and I had to figure out quickly how to get into a stable life again” – Kyrylo, Pilot.

Pictured: We have Kyrylo, Valerii as they first arrive in Winnipeg.

Pilots at Airport

Maryna, our Tech Records Clerk, also left her city behind to start a new life with her 10-year-old daughter in Canada.

“I was an accountant in Ukraine, I also did photography projects for a marketing company there. My husband is still in Ukraine, men are not allowed to leave the country at this time, working back in Ukraine is difficult with the missiles and unfortune events happening”- Maryna Ivashyna, Tech Records Clerk.

Pictured: Maryna and her 10-year-old daughter, Sofia.

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Moving to a new place may come with a culture shock. For Ukrainian Refugees, coming to Canada as an immigrant felt like learning to live life from scratch.

“Living as a single mother in Canada can be very stressful, especially when my family is not around. The changes that I experienced can be from the smallest thing, such as food and daycare, to the most important thing in my day-to-day life, such as transportation and rules.” - Maryna, Tech Records Clerk

However, for others, they felt more familiarized with the culture because of the diversity in the Canadian society.

“When you’re an immigrant, you would never feel that. It feels ordinary and very comfortable in that way. That’s great to live in a multicultural society”. – Kyrylo, Pilot

“Yes, I have experienced niceness, people are very apologetic in everyday life, very friendly, can start a small-talk and are really helpful”. – Valerii, Pilot

In light of these extremely difficult and unpredictable conditions, the Ukrainian community at Calm Air is full of gratitude for all the support offered to them here. Calm Air is proud to welcome Ukrainian refugees and extend our support to them through employment opportunities.

“I am impressed with the good mood, friendliness and willingness to help from the company. Amazing people are working here and I’m very glad that now I’m a part of it. I will do everything needed and expected from me to say, “thank you” to everything the Company is doing for me” - Kyrylo, Pilot

837608e5-ec76-4786-835b-91532eca4752.jpg (906 KB) “When I just came to Canada and met Brenna and Kyla (Calm Air representatives) I started to feel myself like at home. The most important thing is self-development and that is exactly what I feel while working at Calm Air” – Alina, Flight Attendant.

Looking into the future, Kyrylo and Valerii continue to pursue their goals as pilots and are excited to make their contribution towards the development of Calm Air.

“My career goal is to obtain an ATR 42/72 type rating and I can’t wait to start flying, it’s so exciting! The next step for any First Officer is to become a Captain and it is a great chance to do it in Calm Air. I would love to make my contribution in the development of the Calm Air International” – Kyrylo, Pilot

“My main goal is to become a captain as soon as possible and continuously grow professionally and contribute my best to the company” – Valerii, Pilot

As for Maryna and Alina, they are appreciative of the opportunity that Calm Air have given them and are doing the best in their current role.  

We welcome all our Ukrainian employees to our company and thank them for the service they have provided to us, it’s an honor to support the Ukrainian community and to represent them as a member of Calm Air.

Blog Post by Anushka S, Marketing Coordinator & Thuy N., Human Resources Coordinator
